Church of St. Anne,
Westby Mills,
Lancashire, PR4 3PL


​​Tel. 01772 962776

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Welcome to the

Church of St. Anne

Westby Mills

Copyright © Church of St. Anne, Westby Mills. 2025 All rights reserved.                                               Lancaster Roman Catholic Diocesan Trustees, Registered Charity No.234331

THE OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY ARE the spiritual benefits of its members, both living and dead, and the relief of hardship, wherever it is encountered, by making grants of money.  Please click on the logo to be directed to the website for more details.

Not far from St. Anne Church is a small village called Wrea Green. It has a resident population of around 1,800, approximately 630 homes, the largest village green in Lancashire including a large duck pond (known to the locals as 'The Dub') that is home to a fluctuating number of well fed ducks!   The village has won "Lancashire's Best Kept Village" award on numerous occasions. Please click on the left icon for more information on the village and its history.

There is a Priest in Charge for both St. Anne Westby and the Holy Family R.C. Church, Lytham Road, Warton. Mass times at Holy Family are 6.30pm on Saturday evenings (Vigil for Sunday) and 10.45am on Sundays.  For further details, please click on the logo to be redirected the the Holy Family website.

The St. Vincent de Paul Society, also known as the SVP, is a voluntary Christian organisation founded in Paris in 1833 by Blessed

Frederic Ozanam and a group of young Christian lay people. It aims to provide support and help to disadvantaged and marginalised

people through person to person contact. The SVP offers help to anyone in need regardless of creed, age, gender or ethnic and social

background. The Society is active in 137 countries around the world and has over 700,000 volunteer members, both men and women,

young & old.  St Anne's Wesby SVP Conference was formed in 2009 and now has members from the parish of The Holy Cross as well as St.Annes's.  The conference is part of the South Fylde District Council and thence the Lancaster Central Council. For further details on SVP, please click on the icon below, a PDF document will download.

                                     The Catenian Association is an international body of proudly Catholic laymen and permanent deacons who meet at least once a month in                                                         local groups called Circles, to enjoy each other's company and thereby strengthen their family life through friendship, faith and fun!  It is open                                                  to practising catholic laymen from the age of 18 years.  Many of the Circles' activities involve the members' wives and families.

The Roman Catholic Diocese is centered around Lancaster Cathedral in the city of Lancaster, Lancashire.  As a Diocese, it extends along the west of England from the River Ribble in the south of Preston to the Scottish border, comprising of the counties of Cumbria and

much of Lancashire.   The Diocese of Lancaster is currently organised into 9 Daneries, has around 90

active priests, 54 permanent deacons, 12 secondary schools, 86 primary schools & 101 parishes.

CAFOD is the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development.  CAFOD believe all human beings have a right to dignity and respect,  and that the world's resources are a gift to be shared equally by all men and women, whatever their race, nationality or religion. CAFOD works alongside people in need to reduce poverty and bring about sustainable change through development and humanitarian programmes.

Please find below information on other websites offering information that maybe of interest to you.   Please click on the Logos to be directed to their website.